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Justine and Pierre

  /    /  Justine and Pierre

Justine and Pierre

Cop Choux Castle

These lovely brides and grooms and Petite Fleur have a long history together, let me explain: when Justine and Pierre, who live in San Fransisco (US), contacted me for their wedding decoration in 2021, we got down to work on a beautiful floral design in “smoky” shades, colors I’m particularly fond of. However, as you know, at that time we had to postpone the wedding to 2023. But other imponderables forced us to reschedule the wedding to 2024. This time we’re going to get it right!

Suffice it to say that we pampered THIS wedding with all its finery. The little anecdote in this beautiful story (if it can be called an anecdote :-)), these young lovebirds, who had in the meantime moved back to the north of France, had in their luggage 3 adorable cherubs!

Photos : Adeline SETRIN

Floral design : Petite Fleur Nantes


Suivez petite Fleur